商业,经济, & PPE实习

商业,经济, & PPE实习常见问题



攻读工商管理学位的学生, 经济学, 和个人防护用品, must fulfill the same required three-part internship sequence, which we strongly recommend starting during sophomore year-or as soon as possible upon entering the major.


1. Take BUS 2910: Internship and Career Strategies or GS 3001: College to Career Planning (1 credit), to develop 技能 related to identifying and articulating strengths and 技能, 为找工作做好准备, 网络, 面试, 为工作做好准备; 

2. Work a total of 80 hours at a qualifying internship or other approved work experience; and 

3. 完成BUS 4942(1学分), 早期职业生涯专业发展课程, 哪个是用来帮助学生综合的, 演示, 增进知识, 技能, and abilities developed during their work experience and in preparation for their career journey, within one calendar year of their approved internship experience

在任何学生可以注册BUS 4942之前, they must seek and obtain approval for their internship or work experience from the SBGE Internship Coordinator. 


请填写 BUS 4942实习和工作经验批准表 在握手. 遵循这些 指令 寻求帮助. 

Once a student has submitted the form, the SBGE Coordinator will initiate the approval process. 第一个, Handshake will email the person the student has listed as their site supervisor, asking them to review and approve the information on the application. Then, the SBGE Coordinator will review sand approve or reject the application. Applications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis subject to the internship and work experience requirements outlined below. 批准后, the Coordinator will lift the student's registration hold and send the student an email letting them know. Once a student's internship or work experience has been approved, they can register for BUS 4942. 

What Kinds of 实习 or Work Experiences Are Likely To Be Approved?

实习, 在传统意义上, is a temporary position (paid or unpaid) that is specifically designed to provide students with practical work experience in a particular field or industry. 许多公司仍然雇佣实习生, and internships are incredibly valuable to students both for experience and potential job opportunities in a company or area. 出于这个原因, we strongly encourage every student who is able to pursue and complete an internship. 

网易彩票app认识到, 然而, that traditional internships are not feasible option for all our students- and we want all our students to be adequately prepared for professional life. Non-internship work frequently offers students practical experience and development opportunity while holding them accountable to the outcomes of their roles and is a more practical option for students with financial or other personal constraints. 因此,除了实习经验, we accept most work experience as sufficient preparation for enrollment in BUS 4942. 

实习 and work experience that meets the requirements for admission to BUS 4942 must: 

  • 总共至少80小时的有偿或无偿工作 
  • Include oversight by a manager or other site supervisor who is not an immediate family member and who holds the student accountable to the job; 
  • Incorporate typical employment-related expectations (whether paid or unpaid) such as working on a team, 定期会议, 绩效管理, and the like; and 
  • Involve connections between SBGE coursework which the student can articulate in their Handshake application. 

为什么我不能注册BUS 4942?

有时, even after a student filled out the appropriate form on the Handshake and successfully obtained approval for their internship or work experience, Banner阻止他们注册BUS 4942. This is typically due to an administrative error and can be resolved by the SBGE Internship Coordinator. If you know your internship or work experience 在握手 was approved and you still cannot register for BUS 4942, 联系实习协调员寻求帮助.

更经常, 然而, the student attempting to enroll in BUS 4942 has not obtained approval for their internship or work experience. If you have not filled out the Handshake application on Banner and obtained approval for your internship or work experience, 你将无法注册BUS 4942. 完成申请,等待批准,然后再试一次.

What If I Have Questions 网易彩票app My Internship or Work Experience?

首先通读所有这些信息. 如果你还有问题, contact your faculty advisor (listed at the top of your Banner Degree Check.) They will be able to help you determine whether your experience meets the requirements outlined above. 

如果你还有问题-or your Handshake application has stalled or otherwise not been approved-reach out to the SBGE Coordinator. 

请注意: Prior to Autumn 2021, BUS 4942 was a variable 2-6 credit course. Students admitted to their major prior to Autumn 2021 will see in Banner Degree Check that they are required to satisfy 2 credits for BUS 4942. 因为这门课现在是1学分的课程, SBGE is permitting these students to have fewer credits in this requirement as long as they meet the university minimums for total credits. A note will be added to your Degree Check by your faculty advisor. 

For questions about finding an internship, please contact the 职业和职业中心.



Associate Professor of Business Law; Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies

电子邮件: osbornc@saturdaycoach.com
电话: 206-281-2906
办公室: 麦肯纳大厅207



The 职业和职业中心 provides professional coaching, 帮你搞定你的麻烦事, 工作清单, 和更多的.



Business Administration major Salma Aly and her team helped to recognize a potential revenue of $1.她在西雅图的波音公司实习期间获得了300万美元.